Under the "Device" dropdown, choose "XInput/0/Gamepad" or the like.Under the "Port 1" dropdown, choose "Standard Controller".Hit the "Controllers" Button from your main Dolphin window.Ensure your Xbox Controller is connected to your PC.Great! You're now capable of running a Smash game with others.Īlso here's a gallery of the setting im talking about.Īn Xbox Controller via USB/BluetoothThis gets a little more complicated. In the "GameCube" tab, ensure that both Slot A and Slot B are set to "".Click on Options > Configure from the top bar of you main Dolphin window.Hit Close and return to your main Dolphin window.Go to the "Gecko Codes" tab and ensure "Faster Melee Netplay Settings" and "60FPS + 4X VRH" are the only ones checked.From the "GameConfig" Tab, ensure the "Video Rate Hack" Slider is set to 4x and that "Half Audio Rate" is unchecked.Right click Melee from the games list, and hit "Properties".Now, we just have to ensure a few setting are in place. Hit the "Refresh" button near the top of your main dolphin window, and Melee should appear under your games list. Hit "Select Folder" and "OK" to return to your main dolphin window.Click on "Add." and select the folder that your Smash ISO is in from the window that pops up.Click on Options > Configure from the top bar of your main Dolphin window.Now we need to tell Dolphin where your Smash ISO is.

Open up the Dolphin.exe in the "Ishiiruka-FM-v4.3-" folder you extracted. Now we'll get into the knitty gritty and setup smash in Dolphin: