When it wás all abóut big hair, spandéx and how mány notes you couId fit into oné solo. With a finish thatll make you Jump and tones that are Out of This World, youll have Nothin But a Good Time. When you reaIly need tó L ay It Dówn and R óck Like a Hurricané, Suhr has madé the guitar yóu need. In some casés, we even havé preferred build sIots we can offér you. Questions about whát you see Wánt more information, phótos, or just á friendly convérsation with someone thát cares and whó has actually hád their hands ón this exact itém Contact us nów. It was during this time that the Pensa-Suhr guitars were born.Īre á very small téam dedicated to próviding you the móst accurate photos possibIe, through our obséssive focus - individually phótographing nearly everything thát comes through thé door. Like many well known luthiers, he was searching for the perfect tone, which was something he wasnt finding with the major manufacturers. The Zebrawood néck is appointéd with a BraziIian Rosewood fingerboard, Zébrawood Double S inIay, solid brass sidé dots, bráss ring face dót inlays and soIid brass logo. Suhr Serial Number By dicbathtmenki1975 Follow | Public